April 01, 2008

Luke 8:1-21

Jesus told a parable about a man sowing seeds. Different seeds fell on different types of ground producing different results. This was to illustrate the general ways that the gospel message affects people. (See Matthew 13:1-23)

We can't know how people will react to the gospel message. Our job is to spread the word. Just like with the sower in the parable, the seed will fall in different places. The Holy Spirit goes before us to prepare the hearts (till the soil) of those who will hear the message. Pray that God is working on the hearts of those who you will have a chance to share the His word with. Then watch for opportunities to spread the message of salvation whenever you can.

Jesus taught that just as a light in a house is not hidden under a bed or anything else, but put up on a lampstand to give light to all, this truth they had been given was to be shared. Today, Christians still have the same responsibility - share what you have been given. If we hide our light (cover it up) it will go out. If we share the light with others, they can have the light as well, and together we shine brighter and brighter and brighter. The whole world should be lit up with the light of Jesus!

Jesus' mother and brothers came to Him while He was preaching and couldn't get to Him because of the crowd. They got someone to give Jesus the message that they were there, but Jesus answered that His mother and brothers were the ones who heard the word of God and did it.

Family can sometimes distract us from what God wants us to be doing. We are to love our families, but God should come first. This is not an excuse to be mean to our family members, but if they are keeping us from doing what we are supposed to be doing, we need to take a stand and choose obedience to God first and foremost.

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