April 19, 2008

Luke 17:1-19

Jesus said that stumbling blocks are inevitable, but that doesn't excuse someone who causes another to stumble. Each of us has enough in our lives that we create ourselves to stumble over - we don't need help from somebody else. The opposite is just as true: we shouldn't become stumbling blocks for others. As much as possible we need to strive to help people instead of making their lives harder.

When the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith, he told them that they only needed the smallest amount of faith to do great things. They were looking to be rewarded, but Jesus told them they did not deserve to be rewarded since they had only been doing what they were told to do. A rewards based mentality is not in line with God's ways. If we only do things in order to be rewarded, we show we don't understand how God works. Sometimes we just need to do the right thing because it is the right thing and not expect to get something back from man or from God.

Jesus healed a group of ten lepers. After they were healed only one came back to give glory to God and thank Jesus. Do you come to God only when you need something? When God answers your prayers, do you thank Him? Too often, we take God for granted or treat Him like a magic wish granting genie. This type of attitude does not honor God. He wants to hear from us when things are good as well as when they're bad. He wants our thanks and praise when He provides for us. Basically, He wants to hear from us all the time. Make sure there's a slot in your daily schedule to talk to God no matter how your life is going that day.

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