April 02, 2008

Luke 8:22-56

Jesus was in a boat with His disciples when a severe storm came up. His disciples went to Him because they were frightened and found Him sleeping. Jesus got up and calmed the storm, much to the amazement of His disciples.

Does it feel like Jesus is asleep sometimes in your life? Like He's not paying attention and you're caught in a storm? Know that He is always with you and is always in control. You only need to call on His name and He will help you through the troubling times.

Jesus came to a place where He encountered a demon possessed man. Jesus cast the demons out and allowed them to go into a nearby herd of pigs which were subsequently driven over a cliff. After hearing of all this, the people from the surrounding area were fearful and asked Jesus to leave. The man who had been possessed wanted to go with Jesus, but He told him to stay there and tell others what God had done for him.

Not everyone rejoices with new Christians. Some are so opposed to Christ that they don't want to have any part in the new life Christ brings. Regardless of how others react to the change in our lives though, we need to carry the message of Christ and what He has done for us to everyone we can. It can be tempting to just retreat to Jesus and leave the doubters and naysayers behind, but that's not what He want us to do. We're to get out there and share what's happened in our lives so others may share the joy we have found.

Jesus was asked to come to a man's house to heal his daughter. On the way, someone came and told them the daughter had died. Jesus pressed on anyway, assuring the man his daughter would be made well and telling him to believe that she would. When Jesus got to the house, he went into the girls room and raised her from the dead.

God can redeem any situation, even when all seems lost. Never cease praying for His hand to intervene. With God there is no such thing as a lost cause - even though it may seem that way to us. If God can bring someone back from the dead, He can handle anything that comes our way as well. He is the Creator of the universe and nothing is impossible for Him.

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