April 30, 2008

Luke 22:31-53

Jesus warned Simon that Satan was trying to attack him. Then Jesus told him that He had prayed for him to remain strong and to strengthen the others. Simon replied that he would stay by Jesus even if it meant prison or death, but Jesus told him that he would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. When we stumble and fall, it's good to know that Jesus is there for us, acting as an intercessor on our behalf. Even if we slip up in our walk with Him, He makes sure we don't stay down.

Jesus reminded the disciples of the first time He sent them out to preach and how He instructed them not to take anything and their needs were met. Now He said they would need to take provisions for the next time they went out to preach, perhaps because they would be going to foreign countries this time and could not count on finding hospitable homes in each city they would go to. God will provide for our needs, but that doesn't excuse us from making preparations and planning for what we will need. Unless God has made a specific promise to meet a need, we should assume the responsibility is ours. Sometimes the way that God provides for our needs is giving us the wherewithal to provide for ourselves.

Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was agonizing so much over the pain He knew was about to come that He began to sweat blood. When He was done praying, Judas came with a mob to arrest Him and betrayed Him with a kiss. When we think of Jesus' suffering, so often we think of the cross or the scourging He received before being nailed to the cross, but the suffering in Gethsemane was just as intense. Knowing what was coming took a lot out of Him, but He still submitted Himself to it out of love for each of us. Salvation is a free gift for each of us, but the price paid by Jesus was immeasurable. It was the greatest example of love the world will ever know.

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