May 01, 2008

Luke 22:54-71

Jesus was arrested and led away to the chief priest's house. Peter followed behind at a distance and when he got there, people began to notice him and ask if he had been with Jesus. Three people asked him and three times he said he didn't know Jesus, just as Jesus had said he would. Denying Jesus isn't just saying you don't know Him. We also deny Him when we live like He's not in our lives. Everything we do should be guided by our faith in Jesus.

Jesus was beaten and mocked, then was questioned about whether He was the Christ. He initially refused to answer on the grounds that they wouldn't believe Him anyway. Eventually, when asked if He was the Son of God, He admitted He was. This was what they were waiting for - in their minds, He had just admitted to blasphemy. Jesus made a bold claim: that He was God. The religious leaders of the day didn't want to believe this was true, so they did what they needed to do to get Him out of the way. Faced with this same claim, who do you say He is? C. S. Lewis wrote of Jesus, "Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse." You can choose to deny Him or you can choose to love Him, but everyone must choose and the choice you make has eternal ramifications.

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