May 24, 2008

John 9:1-34

Jesus healed a man who had been born blind. His disciples had asked Him if the man was blind because of his own sin or his parents' sin, but Jesus told them it was neither. This man had been born blind so that God could display His power by working in his life. After the man was healed, the people who had known him to be blind wanted to know what happened and who healed him. He told them what Jesus did, but that he didn't know where He was.

When the Pharisees heard what happened, they questioned the man. Not satisfied, they called his parents who only told them that this was their son who had been blind from birth, but could now see. Since the man was healed on the Sabbath, the Pharisees believed Jesus must be a sinner. Once more, they questioned the once-blind man and tried to get him to denounce Jesus. He wouldn't, so they threw him out of the temple.

This man stood for what he knew was true. Even after being pressured to change his story, he stood for truth. Whatever the consequences, we must always stand for truth. God rewards us when we are bold in the face of persecution and do not compromise our position. When you feel like giving in, focus on Jesus who will give you strength to persevere.

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