May 29, 2008

John 11:17-46

Jesus arrived at Lazarus' house four days after he had died. After going to the tomb where Lazarus had been laid, Jesus revived him by calling him forth. Before Jesus called Lazarus forth, He thanked God out loud for hearing Him. This was for the people who were witnesses to the miracle so they would know He was sent by God.

The same God who showed His power over death by bringing Lazarus back from the dead has the power to rescue you from death. No matter how long you have been dead in your sins, God can make you into a new person because of His grace and forgiveness. Believe in Him, trust in Him, and your new life can begin. This is the message He has for all of us. If you have already put your trust in God, don't keep it to yourself - pass the message on to someone else.

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