May 07, 2008

John 1:1-28

John begins with the same three words that began Genesis: "In the beginning". John starts off by showing Jesus at the beginning of creation, part of the Godhead. Everything that was created was created through Him. Jesus is the Light that dispels the darkness and brings salvation to those who believe in Him. Jesus was not just some man. He is the God of the universe who took on the body of mortal man to fulfill the need for a sacrifice for our sins. When we look at it this way, how can we not be amazed by the gift of grace and salvation we have been given?

John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jesus' ministry. He was telling everyone who would hear that the Messiah was almost here. When asked if he was the Messiah or Elijah or a prophet, he humbly answered he was none of those things, but merely a messenger for the coming Messiah. Like him, we need to find our role in God's kingdom, then humbly accept it and do what we have been commanded to do.

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