May 21, 2008

John 8:1-20

The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus who had been caught committing adultery to see what He would do. What He did amazed them all. He told the men who had brought the woman that whoever among them was without sin should cast the first stone. One by one, all the men left and when Jesus was alone with the woman, He told her He did not condemn her and she should go and sin no more.

Grace is a wonderful thing! God offers it to us freely and without end (and who among us doesn't need it daily?). Jesus showed the kind of grace God gives to us when we come to Him stained with sin and He does not condemn us. We can come to Him without fear of retribution for healing and forgiveness and the strength to resist temptation in the future. Also note that Jesus didn't let the men who brought the woman to Him off the hook. He reminded them that none of them were perfect and each of them had sin in their lives as well (perhaps stoning offenses?). We need to remember this when we are feeling a bit too quick to judge others and ask God to punish them. Take an honest look into your own life and see if you would want the same treatment.

Jesus told the people that He is the Light of the world and that whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness. The Pharisees complained that He had no one to corroborate His claims, but Jesus told them His Father testified about Him. When asked where His Father was, Jesus told them they did not know His Father since they did not know Him.

Once again, Jesus equates knowledge of Him to knowledge of the Father and vice versa. There is no separation between God and Jesus. You cannot believe in one and not the other. True knowledge of Jesus brings the light of truth into our lives and provides a filter to rightly interpret the world around us. Without Jesus in our lives, we are truly in the dark and nothing around us makes sense because we can only see a limited part of the picture (if anything at all).

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