May 18, 2008

John 6:41-71

When Jesus claimed to be bread from heaven, those who knew His family started to doubt His statements. How is it that all of a sudden Joseph's boy is claiming to be sent from heaven? Jesus explained to them that if they knew God, they would be drawn by Him to Jesus.

In order to accept Jesus, we must first be right with God. It is impossible to have an understanding of who Jesus is without knowing God because they are one and the same. The Jews of the day should have learned about God and the Messiah through the scriptures, but their lack of understanding was shown by their disbelief in Him.

Jesus told the people listening that in order to gain eternal life they must eat His flesh and drink His blood. Some were taken aback because they took this literally, much like Nicodemus literally interpreting Jesus' statement about being born again in John 3.

The symbolism of eating His flesh and drinking His blood was used again at the Last Supper and fully realized at Calvary. Our salvation is only possible because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. To accept His gift of salvation, we must accept the sacrifice He made and live our lives in a way that recognizes and honors what He has done for us.

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