May 09, 2008

John 2

Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding in Cana by turning water into wine. This was His first public miracle and caused His disciples to believe in Him more. What has God done in your life? Each time we see God's hand at work, our faith is strengthened. Because of this, we should look for the evidence of God in everything we do. When we look, we will see Him, and when we see Him, our faith will be increased.

While in Jerusalem for the Passover, Jesus cleared the people selling animals and the money changers out of the temple. He could not stand to see His Father's house, a place of worship, being used for such self-serving activities. The church should be preserved as a holy place set apart from the world. We must be respectful in our attitude when we go and remember that the purpose of the church is to gather together as believers to honor and glorify God in worship and praise. The church is not a place to a place for self-promotion or ego boosting.

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