May 20, 2008

John 7:32-53

After teaching in the temple during the Feast of Booths, the Pharisees tried to have Him arrested. The officers sent to arrest Him heard Him speaking and decided against arresting Him. Some of the crowd were saying He was a prophet, others said He was the Christ. Some who knew He was from Galilee refuted the idea that He could be the Christ because Christ was supposed to come from Bethlehem (David's city).

What we think about who Jesus is doesn't have any effect on the truth. The people at the Feast were going on limited information; they didn't have the whole story. Many today are making decisions about who Jesus is without knowing the whole story. That is an arrogant and foolish way to reach a conclusion. Meet the real Jesus, learn about who He is and what He's done, then make a decision about who you say He is based an a position of knowledge and reason.

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