May 13, 2008

John 4:31-54

Jesus' disciples were pushing Him to eat something. He told them He had food - doing the will of the Father. He said the harvest was ready and He was sending them out to get it.

Like the living water Jesus offered to the Samaritan woman, the food that Jesus was talking about was more satisfying than anything we could get on our own. The harvest He spoke of was the people who were ready to hear the gospel message. Spreading God's word to these people is the will of the Father; doing so fills us in a way that nothing else can.

The Samaritan woman who Jesus talked to at the well had spread the word about Jesus and many were coming to Him and believing in Him. At first, they came because of the woman's testimony, but they remained because they saw Jesus firsthand and saw that everything she had said about Him was true.

While it is important that we, as believers, spread the word about God and give our testimony to others, each person must be brought into a place where they meet Jesus personally. No amount of words can fully convey the joy of knowing Him and seeing Him work in each life individually.

When Jesus came back to Cana, he was approached by a man whose son was very ill and near death. He asked Jesus to come with him and heal his child, but Jesus told him to go home and his son would live. He went off and was met by some of his servants who told him his son had gotten better.

Jesus showed that His power was infinite. He did not need to physically touch someone or even be near them to heal them. Remember this the next time you feel far away from Jesus. No matter where you are, He has the power to touch your life and heal you. All you have to do is call out and ask.

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