May 19, 2008

John 7:1-31

Jesus had been staying in Galilee and avoiding Judea because He knew the Jewish leaders were plotting to kill Him and it wasn't His time yet. When it was time for the Feast of Booths, Jesus' brothers were trying to convince Him to go. They didn't believe in Him, but they were telling Him He should go where everyone could see the works He was doing. Jesus sent them off without Him, but then secretly went to Jerusalem after they were gone. In Jerusalem, Jesus was teaching in the temple, amazing the people with His knowledge. He admitted that it was not His own teaching, but God's.

Even Jesus' own family didn't believe in Him. His brothers were mocking Him, challenging Him to prove Himself. Many Christians endure similar taunts or criticisms from family members who do not believe. It is important to not respond in kind, but to give a loving answer in return. As Jesus told the people in Jerusalem, our beliefs do not come from ourselves, but from God. When people attack us or make fun of us for what we believe, they are attacking God. Pray for the people who give you a hard time. Give the situation to God and let Him take care of it.

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