April 16, 2008

Luke 15:11-32

Jesus continued with a third story of something being lost and then found - the story of the prodigal son. This son demanded his inheritance early from his father. He then moved far away and spent all the money imprudently. He wound up broke and having to feed pigs to get by and still had nothing to eat. He came to his senses and decided to go home to his father and become one of his hired hands, since even they had it better than he did at that time. When he returned, his father threw a big party to welcome him back.

We have all turned away from God at some time in our lives. It's not always as dramatic as the prodigal, but even in the small decisions when we choose our way over His, we effectively turn our backs on Him. The desire to do things our own way gets the best of even the strongest Christians, but when we are ready to come back, God welcomes us with open arms. Coming back means confessing our sins and humbly asking for forgiveness. That is when God's grace pours out on us and heaven rejoices at another lost son come home.

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