April 26, 2008

Luke 20:27-47

Some Sadducees came to challenge Jesus by asking Him a question designed to trick Him into saying something that could be used against Him. They basically asked what would happen after the resurrection in the case of someone who had been married multiple times - they wanted to know which of her earthly spouses would be her spouse in heaven. Now, the Sadducees didn't even believe in the resurrection and believed that this question, by the nature of being unanswerable, would be a way to prove the resurrection to be a false teaching. Jesus answered though, saying there was no marriage in heaven. He further answered the root issue of resurrection by pointing them to the account of Moses and the burning bush. Moses referred to God as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Since God is not the God of the dead, each of these Jewish patriarchs must have been alive when moses made this statement - via resurrection. Jesus challenged the Sadducees with a question of His own: If the Christ is David's son, why does David call Him Lord?

Skeptics are constantly trying to prove God to be false by some seemingly clever argument. They like to think they have all the answers, but they really don't. Knowing the truth about God and knowing His word are the best defenses against attacks by skeptics. We need to educate ourselves, becoming so strong in our faith that we cannot be shaken by people who formulate arguments against the truth that may seem logical at first glance. Rely on God to interpret anything you see or hear from men and double check it against what the Bible says.

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