April 29, 2008

Luke 22:1-30

Jesus and His disciples were in Jerusalem for the Passover feast. It was at this time that Judas made a deal with the chief priests and scribes to betray Jesus. Judas had walked with Jesus and listened to Him teach. Still, nothing seemed to have sunk in. He should have recognized Jesus as Messiah and worshiped Him and followed His commands. Instead, he decided to give it all up and turn his back on Jesus. Just because we sit in church every Sunday or read our Bible, it doesn't mean anything if we don't take the message we find there to heart and allow God to change us.

While Jesus was eating the Passover meal with His disciples, He used the bread and the wine to represent His body and blood, symbolizing His imminent death on the cross. The Lord's supper, as it has come to be known, contains such powerful imagery. The bread and the cup are tangible things we can touch to help us remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. Each time we partake of it, we have a chance to reflect on the love that was shown so long ago on a cross on Calvary.

Jesus told His disciples that one of them would betray Him. After hearing this, they started to discuss amongst themselves which one it might be. They also began to discuss which one was the greatest. Jesus broke into the conversation to remind them that greatness as God sees it comes from serving. Just as Jesus served, they were to serve others. How humbling to remember that Jesus made Himself a servant. He didn't go after glory, but rather spent His time healing and helping people wherever He went. It's hard to be arrogant and expect everyone to cater to us when faced with the example that Jesus - God in flesh- gave to us. To be like Jesus is to humble ourselves and serve others.

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