April 20, 2008

Luke 17:20-37

Jesus was asked by the Pharisees about when the kingdom of God was coming. His answer was that it was already here. When Jesus came, He started calling people into the kingdom of God. Whoever follows Christ, and therefore God, is in the kingdom. Perhaps the Pharisees were thinking of an earthly kingdom, but by His answer, Jesus showed it is much more.

To His disciples, He gave a more full answer about His second coming and told them there would be no sign of His return. It would happen without warning and people would be living their lives as they always have. Because of this, we need to be ready every day for Christ's return. He could return tomorrow, next year or ten years from now - we can't know. And if we can't know, we need to make sure we are in right standing with Him now. No one is guaranteed another day on this earth, so putting off a decision to follow Jesus and do His will could turn out to be a huge mistake. How many have died before making a decision thinking they had more time? Don't be one of them.

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