April 11, 2008

Luke 13:1-17

Jesus spoke about people's suffering and how we can't make judgments about their sinfulness just because bad things happen to them. Just as God never promised that Christians would have everything go right for them, He also never promised that evil men would have everything go wrong for them. Simply put, good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. This is important to remember, not only when looking at the lives of others, but in our own lives as well. The fact that you are going through a tough time doesn't automatically mean God is punishing you. Look to God in the troubling times for strength and help to grow during the challenge.

Jesus told a parable of a fig tree that did not bear fruit for three years. The owner of the vineyard told the keeper to cut it down since it was useless, but the keeper asked for one more year in which he would fertilize the tree well in a final attempt to make the tree fruitful. God wanted to see fruit from Israel, His chosen people, and waited a long time for it. After it seemed all hope was gone, He tried one last time by sending Jesus. God is extremely patient, but He will not wait forever. He gives each of us enough chances to choose Him and bear fruit in our lives before He makes the decision to cut us loose.

Jesus healed a woman on the Sabbath and the leader of the synagogue reprimanded Jesus for doing so. He told all the people who were there that work should not be done on the Sabbath and to come back another day to get healed. Jesus showed how hypocritical this was by reminding them that they untied their animals to give them water on the Sabbath. How much more important was this woman's healing than watering an animal? Why should she have had to wait another day to end her suffering? We have to use common sense when applying Biblical commands to our everyday lives. God wants us to follow His rules, but we can't do so blindly. We always need to remember that people are His first priority.

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