April 08, 2008

Luke 11:29-54

Jesus said the only sign that that generation would get was the sign of Jonah. He said that just as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, He was a sign to their generation. The difference being that the Ninevites repented, and these people would not.

We're living in a time when more is known about the accuracy and veracity of the Bible than almost any time since it was written. Unfortunately, more information doesn't translate to more faith. Even the people who saw Jesus performing miracles did not accept Him as the Messiah, nor did they repent of their sins. It truly comes down to a matter of the heart. For those with hardened hearts, it becomes very easy to ignore the truth or build up convincing reasons for why we don't believe.

Jesus talked about how a lamp is not hidden, but is put up on a stand to light a room for everyone. He also said that the eye is the lamp of the body and that when it is clear, our entire body will be filled with light.

Jesus is the light and we need to keep our eye on Him. If we take our eye off him or if we let something obstruct our view, we can't receive the light. Therefore, we need to take great care to always be looking toward Jesus and make sure nothing gets in our way.

Jesus was invited to have lunch at a Pharisees house. When He sat down at the table, the Pharisee was surprised that Jesus hadn't done the ceremonial hand washing before He ate. Jesus used this opportunity to address some of the many things the Pharisees were letting dirty up their insides while spending so much attention to cleaning their outsides.

What good is it to look good on the outside? Only men look at the outside - God looks on the inside. Going to all the right church events, wearing your Sunday best, and volunteering for every committee is not going to impress God. If all of these things are taking the place of real, honest commitment to God, they don't mean anything. Do a self check and see if the things you are doing to please God are actually the things that please Him.

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