April 15, 2008

Luke 15:1-10

The Pharisees were grumbling about how Jesus was associating with sinners. In response, Jesus told a set of three stories. The first was a shepherd leaving 99 of his flock behind to go find one lost sheep. The second told of a woman who had lost a coin and carefully searched her entire house until it was found. In both stories, there was rejoicing due to the lost thing being found.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. In order to do this, He had to go where they were. His message was meant for sinners because only sinners need a Savior. By deeming people unfit for socializing with, the Pharisees were missing the opportunity to share God's love and grace with others. God didn't save us so that we could become high and mighty and look down our noses at others. We were all lost once, and someone reached out to us, found us, and brought us to God. Be like that person and do the same for someone else.

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