April 04, 2008

Luke 9:28-62

Jesus went with some of His closest disciples to a mountain. There, He was transfigured and was talking to Moses and Elijah about His coming death. The disciples were completely amazed when they saw all of this. When they came back down from the mountain, a man who had brought his son to the other disciples asked for Jesus' help for his son because the disciples hadn't been able to do anything for him. Jesus healed the boy and everyone was amazed.

The "mountaintop" experiences we have from time to time where we can get away from the frantic pace of life and truly focus on Jesus are wonderful times for renewing our faith. It is tempting to stay in those times, but the work to be done is not on the mountain - it's down where everybody else is. We need to know when to get away to reconnect with God, but then we need to take that new strength and get back to fulfilling our purpose - caring for people and telling them the good news of Jesus.

Jesus told His disciples He was going to be delivered into the hands of men, but they did not understand. This was information they needed to hear, but were not yet ready for. Sometimes God shows us things that we don't understand at the moment, but we realize the importance of later on when we need to use it. Don't ignore the things God is trying to tell you just because you don't see how they apply to you right then. He may just be preparing you for something to come.

When the disciples were arguing about which one of them was greatest, Jesus brought a child before them and told them that whoever accepts a child like this accepts Him, and in turn, God. The key to being great is to be humble. It is one of the wonderful dichotomies in the Christian faith that to be great, you have to be humble. We need to put others' needs before our own and honestly care for them just as God cares for us.

John told Jesus about another who was casting out demons in the name of Jesus, but they tried to stop him since he was not one of them. Jesus told them not to try to stop him. Just because someone doesn't attend the same church (or a church of the same denomination) as you doesn't mean they're not a Christian. Don't judge people based on where they worship God. The fruit in their life should be proof enough of whether or not they are following Jesus.

Jesus sent messengers to a Samaritan town to arrange for food and lodging on the way to Jerusalem. When the people in the town realized where He was going, they refused Him service. James and John wanted to destroy the town in a flash of lightning, but Jesus rebuked them. Revenge is revenge even if we try to mask it in righteous indignation. The Lord says that vengeance belongs to Him. We are called to love those who do evil to us and pray for them. God sees all these things and will take care of each person according to His perfect understanding and in His time.

A few different people expressed an interest in following Jesus, but the first was told it wasn't going to be like a vacation; the second two each had something they wanted to finish up first. What can be more important than following Jesus? Everything else will get sorted out, but first you need to get the #1 priority at the top of your list. Jesus doesn't want to settle for second place in your life. Don't wait - follow Him now.

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