April 07, 2008

Luke 11:1-28

One of Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. He responded with a model prayer that recognizes God's authority over our lives, then asks for sustenance, forgiveness, and protection. Jesus also taught them that we need to be persistent in prayer. He promised that if we keep seeking God and don't give up, He will answer our prayers. He illustrated how we, as earhtly parents, give good things to our children when they ask and how God, being a perfect parent, gives perfect gifts to His children.

We need to learn persistence when going to God. So often, we get impatient and feel God is not acting quickly enough for us and give up on prayer. According to Jesus, we should to keep with it, coming back to God again and again until we have an answer. God wants to provide for us, but He does so in His own time. When you pray for something specific, listen closely to the answer. Is He saying "no" or "not yet"?

After Jesus had cast out a demon, He was accused of being in league with the devil. Using reason, He asked how that would make sense. Why would the devil work against himself by casting out demons?

Jesus used logic. He simply showed how the accusations against Him didn't stand up to simple reasoning. Too often, Christians are accused of being illogical in their beliefs when it's the people trying to tear Christianity down who often have the most problems drawing up a logical argument. God is a logical God. He made a universe that makes sense when we look at it properly.

A woman in the crowd offered up a blessing to Jesus' mother, but Jesus answered back that it is the person who listens to the word of God and does it who is to be blessed.

God does not judge people on who they are related to (for some that's blessing enough), but on how each individual follows His commands. You're not a Christian just because your mother or father was a Christian. Christianity is not an inherited trait like eye or hair color. It is a personal decision that you and you alone can make for yourself.

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