April 27, 2008

Luke 21:1-19

Jesus watched as people came to the temple and gave their offerings. He brought the disciple's attention to a poor widow who put in two small coins. Even though the amount was small, Jesus pronounced it to be more than what the rich people were putting in because even that small amount was a sacrifice for her. The rich people were giving out of their surplus, but this woman didn't have a surplus to give from.

God wants us to give to Him out of love, not compulsion. He wants us to give sacrificially, not whatever we feel we can do without. This is a tough lesson to learn - especially in our materialistic society. There seem to be so many other things we could do with our money besides putting it in an offering plate on Sunday morning. Money is a good indicator to where your heart is.

Jesus foretold the destruction of the temple and the disciples wanted to know what the signs would be leading up to it. He gave them some signs along with some warnings to be alert for false prophets and about the persecution they would face because they were His followers.

Persecution comes in many forms - being shunned by friends and family, loss of employment, imprisonment, physical abuse, and even death. Those of us who live in America are blessed because the types of persecution we suffer here when we stand up for the faith don't compare to the suffering in other countries. We are in a unique position to spread the gospel in the open without putting our lives on the line to do so. The voices of true Christians carrying the salvation message should rise above the false prophets who prey on the trusting and unsuspecting people to lead them astray. Even if we do suffer persecution because we do what Jesus has told us to do, we will be compensated in heaven far beyond any pain or suffering we endure here on earth.

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