April 21, 2008

Luke 18:1-17

Jesus spoke about praying constantly. He used a story of a judge who didn't care about God or other people, but when a certain woman kept coming to him to ask for protection, He finally gave in because he figured she wasn't going to stop until he gave in. Unlike the judge in the story, God cares deeply for us. He does not give in to our requests because we annoy Him, but because He loves us. We should pray constantly for what we need from God, believing He will hear us and provide for us.

Jesus told another story about two men who went into the temple to pray. The first, a Pharisee, was full of himself while he prayed, thanking God he was not like the tax collector who was also there to pray. The tax collector prayed to God confessing he was a sinner and asking for God's mercy. Jesus said the tax collector was the one who was justified. To be forgiven, we must admit that we need to be forgiven. We need to confess what we have done wrong and ask God for mercy. We should not compare ourselves to others or brag about how we have it all together. God blesses the humble because we all have plenty of reason to be humble before Him. We are all guilty in the eyes of e perfect God and ignoring that fact does not endear us to Him in the least.

People were bringing babies to Jesus in order for Him to bless them. The disciples turned them away, but Jesus said to let them come. Perhaps the disciples thought Jesus was too busy or important to be bothered with babies, but He wanted to see them. Children are the future of the church. We need to bring them up in the light of God's word in order that they will grow up to be faithful servants. Don't discount anyone because of their youth. We need to teach them what we know and maybe even learn a little something from them in return.

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