April 18, 2008

Luke 16:19-31

Jesus told a parable about a man named Lazarus who was poor and sick (covered with sores) who sat outside a rich man's house hoping for some food. The rich man did not help him and after some time Lazarus died and was taken to heaven. When the rich man died, he was sent to hell. He looked up and saw Lazarus in heaven and cried out to Abraham for Lazarus to bring just a drop of water to cool his tongue. When he was told this wasn't possible, he asked if Lazarus could be sent to his brothers to warn them of the fate awaiting them in hell. To this, he was told that they had Moses and the prophets - if they didn't listen to them, someone rising from the dead wouldn't sway them either.

Many non-believers will say that they won't believe in God or Jesus until some incredible thing happens (God physically appearing to them, some grand miracle, etc.). The truth is we have been given enough signs and evidence to accept or reject God's plan and if what we have isn't enough, a big display won't make much difference. The hardened skeptic will dismiss anything that might have been considered spectacular by explaining it away by natural causes or ignoring it all together. Abraham said that someone rising from the dead wouldn't sway the rich man's brothers. Jesus rose from the dead nearly 2000 years ago and people weren't swayed then. They found ways to ignore what happened or come up with some other way to explain it. Things haven't changed a whole lot in two millennia.

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