April 10, 2008

Luke 12:35-59

Jesus taught that we should always be ready for His return. Until that time, we need to be doing the things He has told us to do. Think about it - we don't know when He's coming back, so we should be making sure each and every day that we are prepared for that day.

Jesus said that He had not come to bring peace to the earth, but rather division. Families would be split apart because of the message He had brought. This doesn't mean that we are to seek conflicts. Rather it is more an acknowledgment of how things are. Not everyone reacts to the gospel message the same and some who deny the gospel message aren't content to simply dissent and go on their way. Some people are so opposed to God's word that they become verbally or physically abusive toward anyone or anything connected to it.

Jesus said the people could look at the sky to tell how the weather was going to be, but couldn't see the signs of the times. We cannot ignore the spiritual side of life in favor of the physical side. We need to be able to interpret what we see and hear in order to truly have a relationship with Him. He has revealed Himself to us in many different ways (nature, the Bible, etc.) and it is our privilege to find Him everywhere we can.

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