April 05, 2008

Luke 10:1-24

Jesus sent out 70 of His followers to spread the news of the kingdom of God and to heal people. They were instructed to travel modestly and seek food and lodging from the people in the towns they visited. If they were not accepted in a town, they were to move on, even shaking the dust from their feet.

The 70 came back with good news of how they had even been casting out demons in Jesus' name. Jesus told them it was because He had given them the authority. They shouldn't be celebrating the victory over the demons, but rather that they had been assured a place in heaven.

Jesus publicly gave praise to God the Father for revealing Himself to these 70 who it appears to have not had any formal religious training like the scribes and Pharisees. He then turned back to His disciples and told them they were blessed because of the things thy were seeing and hearing. All of history had been pointing to Jesus' ministry and many kings and prophets had longed to witness them.

Until Jesus returns, there will always be a thirst for the message of salvation through Christ. Modern missionaries are continuing to take the gospel to places far and wide. Even if we don't go to some foreign country, we can still take that message out in our daily lives. We each have our own personal mission fields called work, school, and everyday life. The thing to remember is that we don't need fancy training or years of studying before we are qualified to spread God's word. The very minute you accept Jesus into your life, you are fully qualified to share your story. Everyone has a unique story and yours could be just the one someone needs to hear to take the next step in following Christ.

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