April 22, 2008

Luke 18:18-43

A rich man asked Jesus what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life. Jesus first told him to keep the commandments. When the man said he had done so, Jesus told him to sell all he had and follow Him. Because he had so much, he didn't want to do this and became sad. Everything we have belongs to God. When we try to hold on to it, we are refusing to give God what is His. Things aren't the problem. It's the love of things that is the problem. When we cling tighter to our possessions than we do to God, we have proven where our allegiance truly is. No matter how well we keep the commandments, nothing can make up for that.

As Jesus was going along, he healed a blind man by the side of the road. The man was calling out to Jesus and even though the people around him were telling him to be quiet, he kept calling to Jesus until he was heard. When we need Jesus, we need to call out to Him no matter what anyone else says. Don't let other people influence your decisions and make you turn away from our Lord. God rewards those who persevere, even in the face of opposition.

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