March 31, 2008

Luke 7:24-50

Jesus talked about John and reminded the crowd that the reason they had gone out to see him in the wilderness was because he was a prophet. But more than a prophet - he was the one who was to prepare the way for the Messiah. Jesus then went on to describe how when John came not eating bread and drinking wine, people thought he was demon possessed. Then, when Jesus Himself came along eating and drinking, they called Him a drunk and a glutton.

People who are looking for truth will find it. Those who do not want to find it will find something wrong with the messenger. If there is more than one messenger, they'll find something wrong with each one even if the reasoning is contradictory. It may be tough to do sometimes, but we have to separate the message from the messenger. This goes both ways: don't accept something simply because you like the look of who's telling you the thing. Also, don't dismiss something out of hand based solely on the fact you don't like where it's coming from or how it's presented. See if the message itself stands up to reason, then make up your mind.

Jesus went to the house of a Pharisee named Simon. While there, a woman came and washed His feet with her tears and hair, kissed them and anointed them with perfume. Simon thought to himself that Jesus couldn't be much of a profit or He would know that He was being touched by this sinful woman and wouldn't tolerate it. Jesus answered him by saying that this woman had done all the hospitable things that Simon himself had neglected to do for Jesus as a guest in his house. He went on to tell Simon a parable about two men who were forgiven debts they could not repay; one had a larger debt than the other. Jesus asked Simon which one would love the forgiving lender more. Simon replied that it would be the one with the larger debt. Jesus pointed out that this woman had more love for Him than Simon because she had a greater sin debt to be forgiven. With that, He turned to the woman and told her her sins were forgiven.

Think of how much you have been forgiven. Now take that and show God your love and gratitude for what He's done for you. The best way to show that love is to get out there and love other people. Meet someone's physical needs, their emotional needs, or their spiritual needs any chance you get. This is what God has commanded us to do.

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