March 21, 2008

Luke 2:1-20

Mary and Joseph had traveled to Bethlehem for the census decreed by Caesar Augustus. While they were there, Mary gave birth to her Baby, Jesus. Some shepherds in nearby fields were told of Jesus' birth by an angel, and went to see Him. Once they had seen Him, they told others about Him. They then returned to their flocks praising God for what they had seen.

These shepherds heard a message from God and acted on it. They were excited to be a part of this historic moment. Once they saw Jesus, they had to go tell others. This was much too good of news to be kept secret. Today, we have this same good news along with the rest of the story of Jesus' teachings and His sacrifice for us. We also know that He rose from the grave to show His power. This is much too good to be kept secret. Jesus is the answer the world is looking for. Even if they don't know the question yet, the answer is still Jesus. We need to take that answer to as many people as we can.

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