March 30, 2008

Luke 7:1-23

While Jesus was on His way to heal a man's servant, He was intercepted with a message from the man saying that he was not worthy to have Jesus come to his home. He said that if Jesus would just say the word, his servant would be healed. Jesus declared that this man had great faith - greater than any He had found in Israel. When the man's messengers returned to him, the servant had already been healed.

On another occasion, Jesus saw a funeral procession for a young man. He saw the man's mother - a widow - and had compassion on her. He comforted her and then commanded her son to rise up. The dead man sat up and began speaking. The people who were there glorified God and news of Jesus spread through the area.

In the first story, Jesus was answering a plea for help. In the second, He saw a need and He did something about it without having to be asked. As we go through our daily activities, we should be looking for people who look like they need something. It may be a smile, a door held open, or all sorts of small, kind gestures. We can't just wait for people to ask us to do things for them.

Messengers came from John the Baptist to inquire of Jesus whether He was the Messiah. Jesus told them to report back to John what they had seen: people were being healed, the dead were being raised, and the gospel was being preached.

We each have to make up our own minds as to who Jesus is based on what we see in our own lives as well as the lives of others. We can't expect someone else to make the decision for us. We now have 2000 years of history to show us how Jesus has worked in the hearts and lives of those who follow Him. What we do with that is up to us. Once we accept Jesus, we need to show others Jesus by how we act and talk.

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