March 13, 2008

Mark 14:26-52

After sharing the Passover meal with His disciples, Jesus went with them to the Mount of Olives. He went off to pray by Himself, bringing along Peter, James, and John to keep watch. Jesus prayed to God that if it was possible, to allow Him to not go to the cross to suffer and die. Ultimately, He agreed that God had the final say and that He would do what was needed. We have the right to go to God and ask Him for what we want, but we always need to remember to seek His will. In the end, our prayers should line up with God's will as we listen to the Holy Spirit who teaches us how to pray.

When Jesus was done praying, a mob of people led by Judas and sent by the high priests, came to arrest Him. Jesus knew what was going to happen and did not resist. Jesus knew it was His time and that what was happening to Him was necessary to fulfill God's plan. When things aren't going our way, we can choose to fight our circumstances or look to God for guidance and see what He has in store for the situation. We grow through adversity if we remember that we need to depend on God in times of need and look to Him for help.

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