March 26, 2008

Luke 5:1-16

While Jesus was teaching by the lake of Genesaret, the crowd began to press in around Him. He had Simon Peter take Him out in his boat and continued teaching from there. When He was done, He had Peter go further out on the lake to cast out his fishing net. Even though he had been fishing all night and caught nothing, he did as Jesus said. When the net was pulled back up, there were so many fish that the net almost broke. Peter had to get his partners back on shore to come help with the fish and when they were pulled back up, they filled both boats to the point that they began to sink. Peter fell down and worshiped Jesus, saying he was not worthy to be in His presence. Jesus told him that from now on he would be catching men. Peter, along with James and John, left what they had followed Jesus.

Peter probably didn't understand exactly who Jesus was at this time - he only saw that Jesus had remarkable power, power from God. Based on the event with catching the fish (and listening to Jesus' teaching) Peter decided that Jesus was a holy man and decided to accept the offer to become a follower of His. It's OK if you don't understand everything about who Jesus is when you first accept His offer of salvation. Just know that He has the power to offer you salvation and the rest will be revealed to you in time. Too often, people want to have the whole thing figured out before they make the decision to accept Christ's offer of salvation, but we each need to act upon whatever information we have.

A man with leprosy asked Jesus to heal him, if He was willing. Jesus said He was willing and healed the man. Once again, we see someone stepping out in faith with what little He knew about Jesus. He humbled himself to ask to be healed and he was healed. Each time we do this, our faith is increased and we learn to trust Christ more.

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