March 18, 2008

Luke 1:1-25

Zachariah was in the temple one day when the angel Gabriel appeared to him to tell him his wife, Elizabeth, was going to have a son. This son was to be John the Baptist and the angel went on to describe what John would do. Since Elizabeth was barren and they were both old, Zachariah wanted to know how he could know this for certain. Because of his doubt, he was struck mute until John was born.

How much of a sign should we require from God? Shouldn't an angel be enough? God is still sending us signs today. We just need to be ready to see or hear them and then believe. Asking for sign after sign shows that we are lacking in faith. God will give you everything you need to know to do His will if you honestly seek Him in faith. Then it's just a matter of accepting His instructions and acting on them.

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