March 12, 2008

Mark 14:1-25

A woman anointed Jesus' head with an expensive perfume. His disciples remarked that it was a waste and the perfume could have been sold to help the poor. Jesus responded by saying she had done a good deed by anointing Him for burial. Sometimes we may not understand how someone else worships. They may raise their hands up during a worship song or shout "Amen!" during a sermon, but unless what they're doing is clearly against scripture, we should leave the matter between that person and God. Who knows -- maybe the way you worship looks strange or wrong to someone else.

At the passover meal, Jesus told the disciples that one of them would betray Him and it would have been better for that one to never have been born. Judas had already made a deal with the chief priests to betray Jesus, yet He sat there while each of the other disciples asked if he was the one Jesus was talking about. When we sin, we need to own up to it. By trying to hide it or pretend nothing's wrong, other people can be affected. God already knows what you've done wrong. When you don't ask for His forgiveness, you just get eaten up by the guilt.

Jesus used the bread and the wine in the meal to represent His body and blood that would become the payment for everyone's sin. When we observe the Lord's Supper, we need to remember the symbolism behind the elements. We are commemorating Jesus' death on the cross for our sins and it is a time to reflect on the crucifixion. We also need to remember the resurrection, without which, Jesus' death would have been meaningless. We worship a risen Savior who has conquered sin and death so that we can be set free.

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