March 06, 2008

Mark 11:1-19

Jesus sent two of His disciples to get a colt which He rode into Jerusalem. People spread their coats and branches out for Him as He rode and shouted, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." Jesus received a king's welcome when He came into Jerusalem. What were the people who welcomed Him expecting? Were they expecting that He was now coming to set up His earthly kingdom and overthrow Rome? When we praise Jesus, we need to make sure our expectations are correct. If we come to Him with false hope and expectations, we are bound to be disappointed when He fails to meet them.

When Jesus came into the temple and saw the business that was being conducted there, He was angry and drove them out. God's house is not a place to make a profit for ourselves by selling goods. It is for worshiping and honoring God. Any other use is an affront to God and shows that our hearts are not in the right place. We must always remember to show the utmost respect for our churches by behaving appropriately when we are there.

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