March 16, 2008

Mark 15:22-47

Jesus suffered a criminal's death on a cross. Hung between two robbers on a wooden cross, He died. The people who were there mocked Him, saying if He were truly the Messiah, He should save Himself and come down off the cross. Even the robbers who were being crucified next to Him mocked Him. The noblest man to ever live died an ignoble death to save sinners - you and me. He suffered through not only death, but the insults and the taunting as well. During all of this, He didn't try to fight back. He didn't hurl insults back at them. All through this, His heart was still filled with love for these people. Even as they were having their sport making fun of Jesus, He was dying for their sins.

Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Jesus, wrapped it in a linen cloth, and laid Him in a tomb. He probably didn't know the tomb would only be used for a short time. He was willing to give it up so that Jesus would have a proper burial. We all have something we can give to God, in our time, talents, and treasure. Ask the Lord what you can give Him today.

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