March 02, 2008

Mark 9:1-29

Peter, James, and John went with Jesus up to a high mountaintop where they saw Him transfigured with Elijah and Moses on either side. On the way down the mountain, Jesus told them not to tell anyone what they had seen until He rose from the dead. Not understanding, they discussed among themselves what that meant. They also asked Jesus about the teachings of the scribes that said Elijah must first come before the Messiah appeared. Jesus told them this was correct and that Elijah had already come. We can be sure that God will fulfill all prophecy in His time and in His way. Even if we can't see it, God is working out His plan in the lives of believers every day. He has not forgotten us or His promise to return one day.

After Jesus came back, there was a crowd of people waiting. One man had brought his son to be cured, but the disciples could not help him. Jesus healed the son and when the disciples asked Him later why they couldn't do it, He said that it could only be done by prayer. We need to remain connected to God if we want to make a difference in His name. If we try to do things of our own strength, we will always fail.

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