March 03, 2008

Mark 9:30-50

Jesus said that whoever wants to be first should put themselves last and be a servant. There is no room for egos in the kingdom of God. God's first priority is people and if we want to have importance in His eyes, our priorities need to come in line with His. The priorities of the world won't get us anywhere with God. Look for someone to help, because when you do, you honor Christ who gave everything for us.

Jesus told His disciples that whoever helps out in His name is on His side and will be rewarded, but whoever causes problems for His followers will be punished. He said if there is something in your life causing you to stumble, get rid of it. There is nothing in your life worth holding onto if it causes you to fall away from God. Check your priorities. What are you holding onto for dear life? Friends? Family? Possessions? If there is anything keeping you from God, get rid of it. It's pointless to hang on to things in this life if it means you're going to miss out on the glories of heaven in the next one.

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