March 01, 2008

Mark 8:22-38

Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was. When Peter correctly answered that He was the Christ, He warned them not to tell anyone. He then went on to teach them about His coming death and resurrection. Peter took Him away to rebuke Him, but when He did, Jesus answered him by saying, "Get behind Me Satan." Peter thought he could tell Jesus the way it was going to be. Even though he had correctly identified Him as the Christ, he still hadn't fully grasped what that meant. We need to listen to what Jesus has to say even when we don't like the outcome. There is no point in arguing or trying to say we know best.

Jesus said anyone who wants to follow Him must deny himself and take up his cross. The path to Christ is not an easy one and it is not one we can travel alone. We must put our own personal desires behind us and focus solely on Christ, who makes the path known to those who honestly and selflessly seek Him.

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