February 29, 2008

Mark 8:1-21

Jesus once again fed a large crowd of people with a few loaves of bread and some fish. Even though this was the second time Jesus had done this, the disciples still weren't catching on. Later, when they were worried about not having any bread themselves, Jesus brought up each time He had fed the crowds and how they did not understand. Sometimes it can take quite a few times for a lesson to sink in if we're not paying attention. We need to look for the things that God is trying to teach us every day. If we pay attention, we can see God and all the things He's trying show us about Himself and how to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

The Pharisees came to Jesus asking for a sign from heaven. Jesus told them that no sign would be given to their generation. God has given us so many signs already. If we are unwilling to see and hear what He has already given to us, why should we expect anything more. Chances are, any further sign would not be accepted any more readily than the ones He has already given.

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