February 20, 2008

Mark 3:20-35

In His hometown, Jesus' friends and family tried to take Him away from His ministries because they believed He wasn't thinking clearly. They saw what was going on, but didn't understand it. The man that they had seen grow up from a child was now acting in a way that they didn't expect or accept. Sometimes the people closest to us have the most difficulty adjusting when we change. They think anything different from the mental image they have formed in their mind is a signal that something is wrong. This is valid at times, but when God fills your life and He is the reason for the changes, that's a very good thing. It may be hard to get that across to loved ones, but we should never stop trying.

Jesus was accused by a group of scribes of casting out demons by the power of the devil. This was an absurd claim (as Jesus pointed out) because the devil would have nothing to gain by having demons cast out of people - it would be a conflict of interests. The arguments people bring against Christians or Christianity don't always make sense. In order to make themselves feel good about not accept the gospel message, they come up with all manner of arguments about why this or that part of Christianity makes the whole thing fall apart. Their reasoning is almost always flawed, but some people are still lead to believe it. God is logical. Everything that He has given us in His word is true and correct. No skeptic can change that.

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