February 17, 2008

Mark 1:21-45

Jesus was teaching in the temple and people were amazed. His teaching had an authenticity they hadn't heard from the scribes. While He was teaching, He was confronted by a demon possessed man asking if Jesus was there to destroy them (he and the other demons). Jesus caused the demon to come out of the man and the people we even more amazed and spread the word about Him.

Jesus proved here that He was not an ordinary teacher. He didn't just repackage what others before Him had said, but spoke with power and conviction. He proved that He had power over demons as well. Jesus didn't go looking for trouble, but when trouble came He was up to the challenge. He wasn't caught by surprise and didn't waste time thinking about how best to handle the situation. When we are guided by Jesus, our reaction to trouble will be the same. When we let Jesus guide us, He gives us the proper response to every situation.

Jesus continued on throughout Galilee, preaching and healing many. He went away by Himself to pray, but the disciples found Him and told Him that people were looking for Him and He continued on.

Jesus had a mission to preach and to heal, to touch lives and bring people to Himself. He took His mission very seriously, but found time to go off and pray to God. Sometimes it is easy to get so wrapped up in doing the Lord's work that we forget to come back to Him in prayer to be refreshed and refocused on what God wants us to be doing. If we want to stay on the path God has laid out for us, we need to be in constant communication with Him.

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