February 22, 2008

Mark 4:21-41

Jesus said we should not hide our light under a basket (figuratively, of course). We have been given the light of Jesus and told to spread it throughout the world. We hide His light when we don't live according to His will and when we are too timid to talk about Him with others. If we are to be light to this world, we must let everyone know that Jesus is in our lives by what we do and what we say.

Jesus told a parable about a man who plants seeds and then continues on with his regular routine. He sees the seeds sprout and grow into crops that will eventually be ready for harvest. The man does not know how the seeds grow. He simply plants them and waits for the harvest. Likewise, when we witness, we sow the seeds of the gospel message, but it is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict the person and bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ. We don't know how that happens, but we can see the results. When we see the good fruits coming up in a person's life, we need to be there to guide them into a right relationship with Jesus, uplifting them and teaching them what they need to know.

Another parable He told was of the mustard seed. Such a tiny seed grows into a very large tree. So it is that even the smallest amount of the true word of God can enter into our lives and start to grow until it fills up every part of us.

Jesus was asleep during a boat trip when a storm broke out and caused panic among His disciples. He calmed the wind and the sea, proving that He had power over nature itself. The same Jesus that calmed the storm can do wondrous things in each of our lives as well. There is nothing too big for Him to handle.

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