February 08, 2008

Matthew 25:1-30

Jesus told another parable about being ready for His return. Ten virgins (maids of honor) went out to meet the groom to welcome him in to the wedding party and light his way, but fell asleep waiting for him. Five of them had brought extra oil for their lamps and five had not. When the groom finally showed up, the girls went out to meet him, but the ones who did not bring extra oil asked to use some from the ones who did. The ones who remembered told the others to go buy more since they didn't have enough to spare, which they did. Upon coming back, they were denied entry to the wedding party because the doors had already been shut and locked.

We need to be prepared for Christ's return at any moment. We are to be His lights and if we don't have fuel for our light - His word and Spirit inside us - we will find it too late when He returns. By the time He comes back, it will be too late and we will have missed our chance.

He also told about three servants given different amounts of money to manage while their master was away. The first two doubled their money and pleased their master when he returned. The third was afraid of what would happen if he invested the money poorly and lost it, so he decided to bury it until his master's return. The first two were rewarded with more responsibility; the third was reprimanded for being lazy and not at least trying. The least he could have done was to put the money where it could earn some interest. This servant was thrown out and his money given to the first.

God gives each one of us abilities and spiritual gifts to use to honor Him by doing the work He has called us to - helping the disadvantaged, showing love to others, and spreading His word. We can't be afraid to use those gifts. If we make a mistake in the course of earnestly trying to do His will, He offers forgiveness - not condemnation.

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