February 14, 2008

Matthew 27:32-66

Jesus was taken to Golgotha (Calvary) to be crucified. He was offered wine mixed with myrrh to dull the pain, but He wouldn't drink it. Jesus knew His suffering would be great, but He turned down the drink that would have taken the pain away. He wanted to have full control over His senses.

After nailing Him to the cross, the Roman soldiers cast lots for His clothing. A sign above His head read, "This is Jesus, King of the Jews". The indignities and the mocking didn't stop. Jesus was at about the lowest point anyone in that society could be at this point. He was put on a cross between two thieves with passersby hurling insults at Him and saying if He were truly the King of the Jews He should be able to save Himself from the cross. Even the two thieves joined in insulting Him.

Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Some continued to mock Him, saying He was calling for Elijah, but one man lifted a sponge soaked with wine up for Him to drink. At this point in time, Jesus let out a loud cry and died. The veil of the temple was torn in two, the earth shook, rocks were split, and tombs were opened. The Roman guards who were there and saw all of this were afraid and said that this must have been the Son of God.

The actual point of Jesus' death was a very powerful event. The very fact that all these things happened right when He died was yet more proof that Jesus was the Son of God. Still, people missed it. The Bible says the guards said that Jesus must be the Son of God, but what did they do with that revelation? Did it change their lives? It doesn't matter what amazing things we see, or what proclamations we make. A changed life is the true mark of a believer.

Jesus was buried and a stone was rolled in front of the grave. The chief priests and Pharisees were worried that someone might steal Jesus' body and claim Him to have risen that they had a guard posted at His tomb. They were still scared that even in death, Jesus was a threat to them. They wanted to end His influence once and for all. They thought they had it all figured out. They thought they had won, but this was not the end.

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