February 15, 2008

Matthew 28

Mary and Mary went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried and found the stone rolled away and an angel who told them that Jesus had risen. They went off to tell the disciples, but met Jesus on the way. The two women fell down at His feet and worshiped Him. He told them to go and tell the disciples that He would meet them in Galilee.

What a wonderful surprise. They had expected to find Jesus' body in the tomb, but found Him risen instead. Jesus proved His power over death and showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that He was the Son of God.

The guards that had been posted at the tomb went to tell the chief priests what had happened. The priests paid the guards to tell anyone who asked that Jesus' disciples had taken His body while they were asleep.

These are signs of desperate men. They must have paid an enormous amount of money to convince these guards to say they were sleeping on the job - they could have been put to death for that. They gave the guards a rather flimsy story that the disciples, who were scared for their lives after Jesus' death, came to the tomb in the hopes that maybe the guards would be sleeping and then took the body away without disturbing their sleep. It's amazing the lengths some people will go to to avoid the truth.

When the disciples met up with Jesus in Galilee, He gave them what is known as the great commission. He told them to go to all the nations, teaching about Him and showing people how to live their lives according to His will. That commission still applies today. Each of us should look toward God to discover what our part in His great plan is. Someone told you about Jesus, so now it's your turn to go tell someone else.

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