February 16, 2008

Mark 1:1-20

John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus. He preached about forgiveness of sins through repentance. He also told of one who was coming who was greater than him who would baptize with the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to John to be baptized and then went into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. After that, He began preaching and calling His disciples.

The stage had been set for the start of Jesus' ministry. There was no fanfare, no parades, no big to-dos. Jesus chose to lead a humble life instead of a flashy life. Our lives don't need to be flashy - just different. We should live our lives in a way that conforms to God's word instead of the world's ways.

Jesus got right down to business, not wasting any time. When we make the decision to follow Jesus, we should immediately find out what God has planned for us and then get out there and do it.

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