August 01, 2008

Romans 2

Paul warned not to condemn others for their actions while leaving our own actions unexamined.
God is not distracted by us pointing out the faults of others; each of us will answer for the things that we have done. Knowing what is right is not important if you are not doing what is right. Ignorance of God's law is no excuse as he has given each of us a conscience to help us determine the difference between right and wrong.

If you know God's law, you should lead by example and not say one thing to others and then do the opposite when you think no one's looking. Paul went on to state that a circumcised man who breaks the law of God is symbolically uncircumcised while an physically uncircumcised man who keeps the law of God is symbolically circumcised.

Throughout this chapter, Paul is stressing that actions speak louder than words. We cannot get into God's good graces by saying all the right things or looking the right way - wearing a cross around your neck does not make you a Christian. We cannot escape His judgment by making Him look at the faults of others. God knows us inside and out and He judges us for what we think and what we do. Each of us will stand before Him one day and be held accountable for what we did with our lives. Think about that day and how your actions will be judged. If there are things in your life you know are not pleasing to God, ask for His forgiveness and He will make you whole.

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